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Monday, September 9, 2024
Sankar Krishnan
Sankar Krishnan
Executive Vice President and Head of Digital Capital Markets


Sankar Krishnan is Executive Vice President and Head of Digital Capital Markets at Capgemini. He is also responsible for strategy and corporate development. Krishnan has held a variety of roles at Capgemini, including Global Account Executive for a leading Bulge Bracket and Head of Business Development for North America and the UK.

Prior to joining Capgemini, Krishnan was a career Corporate and Transaction Services Banker with Citigroup and Standard Chartered Bank, where he spent over two decades in a variety of roles across North America, the UK, Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. Capgemini's leadership in Digital Asset initiatives and Capital Markets capabilities including pre-trade, post-trade, T+1, T+0, reg reporting, advisory and consulting on new ROI models for transforming TradFI to Institutional DeFi and CBDC Wholesale and retail design with "interoperability" at the core make him a differentiator with their peers as evidenced by the industry and analyst awards powering executional initiatives with blockchain, cloud and data as enablers through ecosystem partnerships.

Areas of expertise

Group Overview

Firm Overview