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Monday, September 9, 2024
Emma Cox
Global Climate Leader


Emma Cox is the Global Climate Leader for PricewaterhouseCoopers, where she drives the delivery of a client-focused global climate strategy. Previously, Cox led PwC UK’s Sustainability and Climate Change practice, with a team of over 100 U.K.-based sustainability and climate change experts advising public and private sector clients in the U.K. and internationally on sustainability, development, urbanization, and climate change-related issues. In her current role, Cox leads network-wide priorities for the development of leading-edge propositions, assets, and tools; climate upskilling of all PwC employees; and climate-related engagement in key platforms, including the WEF, WBCSD, SBTi, SMI, and UNFCCC COP. An engineer and accountant by training, her previous roles included setting up PwC’s structuring services practice, Head of People for the firm’s Advisory business, and UK’s Head of Purpose, where she had oversight of the internal UK corporate sustainability team, including implementation of the firm’s net zero pledge. Cox oversaw PwC's work with the WEF IBC on Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism and is the liaison delegate for PwC with the WBCSD. She is a Trustee of the UK’s PwC Foundation and was a founder member of PwC UK’s Diversity council.

Areas of expertise

Delivery of a client-focused global climate strategy, Network-wide priorities for the development of leading-edge propositions, assets, and tools

Group Overview

Sustainability and climate change PwC helps organisations to look at the bigger picture, by striking a balance between staying competitive, driving innovation and preserving our environment. The world is facing unprecedented challenges in the face of climate change and growing inequality. The time for talking is over. Businesses, governments, the financial community and other stakeholders see the 2020s as the decade for action, with major new commitments to achieving Net Zero emissions. PwC is proud to help our clients to have a positive impact, drawing on our deep expertise to assess the risks and harness the opportunities. Acting responsibly is no longer a choice - it’s a business imperative. How we can help Putting sustainability and societal impact at the heart of your strategy Managing your ESG and sustainability risks responsibly Moving to a low-carbon and climate resilient future Shaping cities that drive a sustainable future Harnessing technology for people and the planet Mobilising business and capital to achieve inclusive economic growth Maximizing value from hydrocarbon resources while delivering decarbonisation momentum. As global population and energy use grows, there continues to be a demand for oil and gas and their related products. But with the challenge of achieving net zero by 2050, a focus on hydrocarbons is being replaced by a focus on energy. Many oil and gas companies are taking stakes in renewable energy and other parts of the electrification value chain as well as the emerging hydrogen economy. It is clear big transformations are afoot. PwC is on hand to help companies chart their journeys and time their moves in the energy transition as well as deliver wider transformation. PwC’s oil and gas centers of excellence in London and Aberdeen work closely with teams across PwC to deliver professional services to companies of all sizes. And because they are able to draw on a wide pool of cross-sector and international talent, PwC is well-placed to advise on wider energy and global projects.

Firm Overview

At PwC, their purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. It is this focus which informs the services they provide and the decisions they make. Demonstrating genuine leadership is more important to us than size or short term revenue growth. PwC’s strategy positions them as the leading firm; the most trusted, relevant choice for their clients and their stakeholders and the leading employer for the best people in the market. It is built around five priorities: Leveraging technology Delivering exceptional client outcomes Empowering PwC’s people Committed to high quality Sustainable profitable growth