Booz Allen Hamilton Secures $550 Million ARPA-E Contract for Energy Technology Advancements

Booz Allen Hamilton has emerged victorious in a highly competitive full-and-open competition, winning a potential $550 million contract to provide technical, professional, and administrative support services for the Department of Energy’s

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Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The single-award contract, for which ARPA-E received five offers, solidifies Booz Allen Hamilton's role in supporting the development and deployment of advanced energy technologies across various sectors.

ARPA-E, tasked with advancing energy technologies in areas such as energy efficiency, transportation, and electricity generation, transmission, and distribution, will benefit from a comprehensive range of support services under this contract. These services include assistance in planning funding opportunity announcements, conducting merit reviews, selecting full applications for award negotiations, award administration and oversight, budget development and execution, information technology support, and public affairs. Booz Allen Hamilton's successful bid aligns with ARPA-E's mission to drive innovation in the energy sector, contributing to the advancement of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable solutions.

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