Booz Allen Hamilton Secures Top Forbes Spot as One of America’s Best Employers for Veterans

Booz Allen Hamilton, a prominent IT consulting and technology company, has been recognized as one of America's Best Employers for Veterans by Forbes Magazine,

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securing the 79th position out of 150 listings. This acknowledgment underscores the company's commitment to fostering a supportive environment for veterans within its workforce.

Forbes, in collaboration with market research firm Statista, conducted a survey involving 8,500 veterans working for companies with over 1,000 employees. The participants, comprising individuals from the U.S. Armed Forces, the Reserves, or the National Guard, were asked to provide insights into their workplace experiences. Criteria included their willingness to recommend their employer, ratings on salary, career advancement opportunities, onboarding policies facilitating veterans' transition into work life, health benefits, and the representation of veterans in upper management. Additionally, participants evaluated other companies within their respective industries.

The survey data were meticulously analyzed, and a scoring system was employed to determine the companies with the highest scores, ultimately comprising the list of America's Best Employers for Veterans. Booz Allen Hamilton's recognition in this esteemed list reflects its dedication to creating a workplace that values and supports veterans.

Expressing their excitement about the achievement, Booz Allen Hamilton shared the news on their Facebook page, stating, "We are excited to share the news that Booz Allen has once again been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Employers for Veterans. At Booz Allen, we value the service and experience of our nation’s Veterans, and we work hard to create a supportive environment within our company for them. From leveraging their unique expertise to helping them build skills for the future, Veterans are an essential part of our workforce and are a valued part of our community."

Booz Allen Hamilton, with a global workforce of 32,900 employees and 58 offices across the U.S., has established itself as a leading player in the IT consulting and technology sector. The company's recognition by Forbes affirms its commitment to not only attracting top talent from the veteran community but also ensuring their seamless integration and success within the organization.

This accolade not only highlights Booz Allen Hamilton's dedication to veterans but also positions the company as a preferred employer for those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, the Reserves, or the National Guard. As the company continues to thrive in the IT consulting and technology landscape, its commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace for veterans remains a key aspect of its organizational identity.