Booz Allen’s Modzy Aims To Speed Development And Deployment Of AI Technology

While machine learning and artificial intelligence are hot technology trends being adopted into everything from analytics to zoo environmental controls, implementations of the technology are often rife with failures to launch. More than 90% of machine learning models never actually make

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it into production, remaining stuck in an “AI valley of death,” according to Josh Sullivan, the Chief Executive Officer of Modzy. The company is working to change that by providing solutions that speed development and time to market for new AI and machine learning technologies.

The Modzy platform offers three different development models that not only accelerate models that have already been trained, but also provide monitoring, governance, and security, helping businesses bridge the AI valley of death and implement their new technologies faster and more effectively.

The company was launched within Booz Allen in 2019 and spun out into an independent company in December 2021, as part of the consultancy’s strategy to develop new technology and services and then expand them beyond the markets it traditionally serves. Booz Allen continues to hold a minority stake in Modzy, as well as SnapAttack, another recent spinout offering focused on cybersecurity intelligence.

“Spinouts represent a maturation of our solutions business and demonstrates our commitment to invest in innovation at scale through identifying, evaluating, incubating, and scaling businesses at the intersection of mission and technology,” said Booz Allen Executive Vice President Frank DiGiammarino in comments to Washington Technology. “It’s really our leading tech talent that develops these cutting-edge solutions like Modzy, and when they grow beyond experimentation, we identify the best opportunities to scale them further either inside or outside the firm, so they can reach their full potential.”

Modzy has already been embraced by highly-regulated markets such as energy and telecommunications, where it provides resilience and security to developers. According to Sullivan, both pharmaceutical and insurance companies are also showing interest, as well as agencies across the Department of Defense.

As both the public and private sector continue the push to leverage AI and machine learning technologies to improve operations and build secure tools, it’s clear that Booz Allen’s spinout strategy is yielding results by nurturing new offerings and giving them free rein to grow on their own.