DoD Awards Noblis, Inc. $263M Defense Contract

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) recently announced that it awarded Noblis, Inc., an American not-for-profit company that provides science,

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technology, and strategy services to the U.S. government, with a $263 million, five-year contract to advance implementation of its Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) program.

The DTRA serves as the official U.S. combat support agency in the fight against chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high explosive weapons of mass destruction, enabling U.S. government agencies and the Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure nuclear deterrence and combat non-conventional threats. The CTR program works to prevent the proliferation or use of weapons of mass destruction by working with partner nations to detect, interdict, secure, and eliminate WMD systems and materials. Recent successes include partnerships with the governments of Vietnam and the Philippines to develop, install, and maintain systems to monitor territorial waters and interdict suspicious cargo originating from the DPRK, as well as efforts to repatriate nuclear material from Europe to the United States.

Noblis, Inc., spun off from the MITRE Corporation in 1996, focuses on providing technical and advisory solutions in fields such as national security threats, weapons of mass destruction, electronic transactions, environmental sustainability, renewable energy resources, and biometrics. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, the company employs nearly 2,000 people in science, engineering, research, and technology roles, working with a range of government clients in defense, homeland security, intelligence, and law enforcement sectors.

Amr ElSawy, President and CEO of Noblis, stated, "Noblis provides advisory services to complementary science and technology programs across the federal government...we look forward to drawing on that experience to deliver efficient, rapid-response and forward-leaning solutions to help the CTR Directorate reduce threats to our Nation and allies."

The DoD contract will enable Noblis to implement a technology-based approach in delivering advisory services, enabling the CTR program to better work with partners and allies to reduce weapons of mass destruction threats, along with developing related materials, facilities, technology, and expertise that can be leveraged by both the U.S. government and partner nations seeking to reduce the proliferation of WMD in their respective regions.