Experts Discuss Trust Building in AI-Powered Virtual Care Assistants

During the HIMSS24 preconference Virtual Care Forum, experts highlighted the transformative impact of AI-enabled virtual care assistants in reshaping patient care. Matt Cybulsky, alongside Andy Chu and Kathleen Mazza, emphasized the importance of

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building patient trust as these technologies evolve. Mazza shared Northwell Health's experience with chatbots since 2018, particularly in reducing avoidable readmissions by providing targeted post-discharge support for high-risk diagnoses like heart failure and stroke.

Chu emphasized the evolving patient perspective towards technologies like chatbots, akin to text messaging, stressing the need for proactive measures to understand patient preferences and address administrative queries efficiently. The experts underscored the significance of ensuring meaningful interactions with chatbots, cautioning against excessive questioning without actionable outcomes. Both experts emphasized the necessity of quick access to human intervention when needed, affirming the role of virtual care assistants as complements to, rather than replacements for, human healthcare providers. These insights underscored the ongoing challenges and opportunities in leveraging AI-powered virtual care assistants to enhance patient care while maintaining trust and confidence in healthcare delivery.

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