ICF Given ‘OK’ By FHWA For TIC

As the United States moves on from the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chains have become a critical aspect of the nation’s return to business as usual. Transportation system management is a key component of keeping materials and goods flowing across

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the nation, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has recently awarded a transportation improvement contract to consulting and digital services provider ICF to assist its efforts to keep the country’s factories and shops well-stocked.

As part of the contract, ICF will provide research, technical assistance, outreach, and delivery of strategies leveraging broadband, automation, and emerging mobility, as well as addressing urgent concerns surrounding greenhouse gas emissions reduction and climate resilience.

ICF works with business, government, and nonprofit organizations to design and implement programs and policies to promote sustainable travel and transport, improved safety, reduced emissions, optimized existing systems, and real-time information to power data-driven decision making. The firm released its Climate Resilience Strategy in 2021, outlining at a detailed level how organizations can support a transportation system that is hardened against the worsening impacts of global climate change. From extreme weather events to additional daily stresses on existing infrastructure, transportation networks are a particularly vulnerable area for society.

“We are excited to build on our longstanding work with FHWA to facilitate the efficient movement of people and goods on our transportation systems,” said Anne Choate, ICF Executive Vice President and Energy, Environment, and Infrastructure Lead. "These improvements will support the economic vitality, safety, security, and quality of life of the nation's communities and citizens."

The five-year, multiple-award recompete blanket purchase agreement (BPA) has a ceiling value of $94 million spread across several awardees, with ICF set to provide technical support services to help in the creation of the next generation of multimodal transportation management systems. The firm will leverage its deep expertise in emergency management, traffic engineering, climate change, clean transportation, equity, and data analytics in its efforts to assist the FHWA.

With post-COVID demand for goods and services skyrocketing, the need for stable, reliable transportation networks has become all the more important for ensuring a smoothly functioning society. This new contract serves as the latest step in ICF’s efforts to assist stakeholders in ensuring that transportation needs are met today and into an increasingly uncertain future.