Tyto Athene Expands Tech Capabilities with Aerospace Firm Acquisition

A Herndon, Virginia-based IT services company, Tyto Athene, under the leadership of CEO Dennis Kelly, has bolstered its customer base and technological prowess through the acquisition of Microtel LLC, an aerospace technology firm headquartered in Greenbelt, Maryland. Specializing in defense intelligence, Tyto Athene provides advanced telecommunications, secure networking, cybersecurity,

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and now, with the integration of Microtel, enhanced capabilities in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and aerospace technology. This strategic move not only broadens Tyto's service offerings but also strengthens its position in the defense sector, with prominent federal clients such as the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Social Security Administration.

Microtel's existing partnerships will now be leveraged by Tyto Athene, further expanding its reach into space-related projects. With approximately 1,200 employees across the United States and globally, including a significant presence in the DMV area, Tyto Athene remains committed to organic growth within its customer base while actively pursuing additional acquisitions as part of its strategic expansion plans. Kelly emphasizes the importance of organic growth alongside acquisitions to solidify Tyto's position as a leading player in the defense technology sector.

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