UST Global Announces New Return To Work Digital Solutions For Enterprises

As COVID-19 continues to plague the US, businesses are considering how to best pursue continuity and bring employees back into the workplace while fully supporting their health and safety. Drawing

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on best practices from healthcare and essential businesses, UST Global, a top digital transformation solutions company, has put out a new service offering to help companies with this transition.

Their Return to Work Digital Solutions for Enterprises provides a modular approach companies can use as they navigate these steps. Their plan helps businesses think through needs and risks and they evaluate which employees to prioritize, as well as monitor the workplace following the workforce’s return. The three key part of their model are (1) assessing worker risk, (2) monitoring the workplace, and (3) tracking issues.

In assessing worker risk, UST integrates curated public COVID-19 data with employee data to facilitate informed, immediate action in response to employee risk and business impact. Internet of things (IoT) devices can monitor the workplace to track vitals, set alerts, as well as provide video analytics to aid in adherence to safety regulations. As for the third part of the model, the UST dashboard tracks risk and connects it to business needs, making these considerations visible in order to quickly address any issues.

CEO Krishna Sudheendra says their main goal with this service is to “ensure the safe return of the workforce and achieve business continuity amidst the crisis.”

Additionally, Niranjan Ramsunder, the company’s CTO, says that while these solutions are key to our current moment, they also offer possibilities for future success, as AI-based video analytics and IoT-driven proximity become mainstream. He adds that ensuring safety and privacy will be key in that shift.

At the beginning of June, UST Global was recognized among the Top 20 IT Service Providers of the Year 2020 by Everest Group’s PEAK Matrix, a framework for identifying market success and capabilities of service providers. UST Global has proven to be fast-growing an innovative within its field, and its new place on this list is a testament to its position as a global leader.