MSPs Invaluable To Windows Virtual Desktop Rollout

The widespread application of Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) is indicative of technology’s central role in modern businesses. Employees regularly use an average of 2.3 mobile devices for work-related functions every day, according to a survey by Forrester. More than 75% of respondents use two or more devices, and roughly half say they have three or more devices for work. The trend has been pushed to the fore by COVID-19 safety restrictions keeping employees at home. This mandated remote work resembles the much-heralded, cost-efficient digital workplace that’s been an industry ideal for years. At this point, the writing is on the wall—both sides of it, and MSPs are primed to pitch in on the effort.

As a catch-all ease-of-access mechanism powered by Azure, WVD is a significant step toward cloud-dedicated business practices. While it may help achieve unprecedented convenience when up and running, WVD has a complicated deployment process that may leave in-house IT teams adrift. Those administrators are better suited to keep up the day-to-day operational status quo, while an MSP sweeps in to do the dirty work—and subsequently teach them how best to run the system for their business.

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Outsourcing this work with an MSP is ultimately the best financial option, and employees’ sense of value to the business is heightened when time isn’t wasted outside their skill set. The virtualization of all remote desktop services in WVD, including Microsoft 365, creates the ultimate uniform datacenter. An MSP instills confidence in a business that it will get everything it can out of the changes.

Among the many value-added partner providers on contract for WVD rollout are Cloudhouse, Workspot, and LiquidWare. Every MSP brings its particular set of skills to the table. Nerdio offers expertise in operating Microsoft Azure, while Dalechek Technology Group casts a wide net of IT-specific management programs. Lunavi weens clients off of in-person VDIs, and Atmosera promises speedy system overhauls at scale. Partnerships with companies such as Dell and HP put the icing on the cake, bringing thin client technology and other bonuses into the mix.

Even organizations who predict no hitches with WVD integration are wise to use an MSP’s guidance as an insurance policy. The varying specialties of these MSPs means that the correct choice is readily apparent depending on the needs of the client. As more innovative but complex technology makes its way into workplaces both physical and virtual, MSPs are poised to run the gamut of the IT consultation and implementation business for many years to come.