Deloitte And Sandbox AQ Work Together To Prepare Organizations For Quantum Disruption

The technology behind quantum computing has been in development for decades, and is finally beginning to mature into something that can be used outside of a laboratory. As the highly complex technology nears market readiness in the coming years, it stands to be a significant disruption to the way the world works, rapidly unleashing vastly more powerful computing capabilities onto a world still operating under the old paradigm. Sandbox AQ and Deloitte recently announced a strategic alliance focused on preparing companies for the coming shift in the way computing works.

Though commercially-available quantum computing hardware may still be years away, Sandbox AQ has already begun offering software solutions that combine emerging quantum technologies with existing high-performance computing power. Once quantum hardware becomes commercially available, the changes will be wide-ranging and offer both benefits and significant security threats.

“The threats businesses face in this unprecedented environment are more urgent and complex than they have ever been. Businesses that have the right technology in place to get ahead of those threats are going to have stronger staying power,” said Deloitte Global Chief Executive Officer Punit Renjen. “By bringing together Sandbox AQ’s advanced technology solutions with Deloitte’s leading global security services, we are putting that power into the hands of forward-thinking organizations.”

The new alliance will initially focus on bolstering the cybersecurity infrastructure of joint clients, including transitioning to quantum-resistant cryptography. While many cryptographic algorithms in use today would require vast computing resources working for decades, possibly centuries, to break, quantum computing hardware is likely to shorten that timeframe to hours due to the unique ability of quantum computing algorithms to rapidly and efficiently solve specific types of math problems. This dramatic improvement will impact protocols related to online banking and digital signatures, datastream and server encryption, and many others.

Clients will not just benefit from advanced cybersecurity modernization during the transition. Additional offerings could include leveraging AI and Sandbox AQ’s existing quantum products for use in applications in the financial services, biopharmaceutical, and life sciences sectors. While everyday quantum computing is still years away, organizations that wish to be well-prepared for the dramatic shift in paradigm will stand to benefit from the two companies’ expertise in quantum security and applications by becoming early adopters.